Currently For Sale - Retrotech Audio - Vintage Audio

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Currently For Sale


Here are the latest items we have available for sale.

We make great efforts to keep this page up to date but inevitably there will be some delay before items can be marked as sold. This is the main reason why we do not offer any kind of ‘Click & Buy’ or ‘Shopping Basket’ with instant payment. If you see something of interest here then it is almost certainly still available - but you will need to contact us by telephone or email. We will reply as soon as possible to confirm availability and to discuss shipping and payment options.

like to have proper dialogue with our customers before, during and after the sale process. If you prefer an anonymous website experience, with no personal contact, while paying for something that you’re not even sure is still available then there are plenty of other internet sites you could try.

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Stylii and other Products

SME 3009 Series 2
Hadcock GH228 Super

SME 3009 Series 2
Detachable Headshell

Hadcock GH228 Super
9" Tone-arm

Linn Axis
Thorens TD166 Mk2
Thorens TD160
Technics SL-BD20D

Linn Axis
Turntable - 33 & 45

Thorens TD166 Mk2
9" Tonearm Ready

Thorens TD160

Technics SL-BD20D
Belt Drive Turntable

Acoustic Energy AE120

Acoustic Energy AE120
Original Version, Tri-Wired, Immaculate & Boxed

KEF B139 (6171)
Mordaunt Short MS-40
Gale GS-302
Royd Eden

KEF B139 (6171)
Bass Drivers

Mordaunt Short MS-400
Vintage British

Gale GS-302
Vintage British Monitors

Royd Eden
Compact British Monitors

KEF Cresta 10

KEF Cresta 10
Bookshelf Monitors

Wharfedale Linton Amp

Technics SA-160L
Stereo FM/AM Receiver

Stereo AM/FM Tuner

Wharfedale Linton Amp
Stereo Integrated Amplifier

Pioneer TX-408L
FM/AM Stereo Tuner

Arcam Alpha 7
Creek T40 Series 2
Rotel RT-850AL
Denon RCD-M75DAB

Arcam Alpha 7
FM/AM Tuner

Creek CAS T40
Series 2
Stereo FM Tuner

Rotel RT-850AL
Quality Stereo Tuner

Denon RCD-M75DAB
CD Receiver
w/ DAB Tuner

Yechnics ST-GT350

NAD 4020A
Stereo FM/AM Tuner

Stereo FM/AM Tuner

Technics ST-GT350
FM/WMW Tuner

Teac T-H300
RDS Stereo
AM/FM Tuner

Sony MDS-JE480
Denon PMA-255UK
Brennan JB7
Tascam CD A-500

Sony MDS-JE480
Minidisc Player

Denon PMA-255UK
Integrated Amplifier

Brennan JB7
CD Player / Amplifier
/Hard Drive

Tascam CD-A500
Professional CD
Auto Reverse Cassette Deck

Musical Fidelity X-A1
NAD 304
JVC AX-330
Pioneer A-400X

Musical Fidelity X-A1
Integrated Amplifier

NAD 304
Integrated Amplifier

JVC AX-330
Powerful Vintage

Pioneer A-400X
Integrated Amplifier

Marantz ST-40L
Leak 2300
Pineer PDR-04

Marantz ST-40L
Stereo AM/FM Tuner

JVC Sea-12
Stereo Graphic

Leak 2300
Stereo FM/MW/LW Tuner

Pioneer PDR-04
CD Recorder

Little Bear T8
Pioneer PD-5030
Denon TU-26L

Little Bear T8
MM / MC Phono Pre-amp

Pioneer PD-5030
CD Player

Denon TU-260L
Stereo AM/FM Tuner

NAD 402
Digital FM/AM
Stereo Tuner

Cambridge Audio A5
Technics ST-50L
Pioneer PD-S505
Cambridge Audio DacMagic II

Cambridge Audio A5
Integrated Amp

Technics ST-G50L
Digital FM/AM Tuner

Pioneer PD-S505
CD Player

Cambridge Audio DacMagic 2
Digital to Analogue Converter

Rotel RB-970BX
Cambridge Audio DacMagic 1
Musical Fidelity V-CAN II

Rotel RB-970BX
Stereo Power Amp

Cambridge Audio DacMagic 1
Digital to Analogue Converter

Musical Fidelity
Headphone Amplifier


Items that have been sold in recent weeks

Philips 22AH 306

Philips 22AH 306
Integrated Amplifier

B&W DM602 Series 2
Heybrook HB1
Linn Basik Plus
STD 305M

B&W DM602 Series 2Bookshelf Monitors

Pair of Heybrook HB1
Excellent & Boxed

Linn Basik Plus
9" Tone-arm

STD 305M
Transcription Turntable

Marantz CD-63 MK2
NAD 3020
Marantz CD6004
Marantz PM6004

Marantz CD-63 Mk2
CD Player

NAD 3020
Integrated Amplifier

Marantz CD6004
High Spec CD Player

Marantz PM6004
Integrated Amplifier

Philips CDR-600
Arcam FMJ CD 17
Philips CD460
JBL Control 1G

Philips CDR-600
CD Recorder

Arcam FMJ CD17
High Spec CD Player

Philips CD460
CD Player

JBL Control 1G
Bookshelf Monitors


Please contact us either by telephone on 01883 340073 or directly by email to or by completing the form
on our Contact Us
page with details of how we can help you.


Linn, Quad, Tannoy, Revox, Arcam, Musical Fidelity, SME, Rogers, Spendor, Garrard, Leak, Thorens, KEF, Meridian, Lecson, Mission, Michell, Sudgen, Nakamichi, Radford, Armstrong, Bowers & Wilkins, Celestion, Exposure, Gale, IMF, Beard, Audio Innovations J.R., Etc…etc…

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