Linn Axis - Jan 25 - Retrotech Audio - Vintage Audio

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Linn Axis - Jan 25

Current For Sale

Linn Axis
Turntable - 33 & 45


Linn Axis

Turntable - 33 & 45

One model down from the legendary Sondek, this Linn Axis is ready to accommodate any 9 inch tonearm with a standard Linn type base-plate fitting.

The motor is smooth and whisper quiet, 33 & 45 speeds are rock solid and accurate, the belt is fine and the main bearing is spot-on and freshly lubricated, the acrylic cover is in great shape and the lid hinges are nice and strong.

Currently operating on 240 volts, 115 volts only requires changing the position of one wire on the circuit board. The sophisticated Linn power supply means that this will operate on 50 or 60 cycles without the need for any other modifications.

This comes with correct mains cable and a print-out copy of the original user manual.

£265 (GBP)

Payment accepted via Credit/Debit Card, PayPal, Bank Transfer, Personal Cheque or cash on collection.

Economical worldwide shipping via UPS or FedEx - Expertly packed, tracked and insured.


Please contact us either by telephone on 01883 340073
or by sending and email to
if you are interested in purchasing this item.


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